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Bleem Family Chiropractic office exterior

Your First Visit

Make yourself at home! New patients have the option of downloading the required paperwork prior to their first visit or arriving 20 – 30 minutes early to fill out new patient paperwork in our office. We ask that you bring a photo ID and a copy of any medication you are currently taking. If you have a long medical history, it’s useful to write that out, and we can photocopy the list in our office.

After the paperwork is complete, new patients will receive a consultation, also known as a pre-acceptance interview with Dr. Bleem. This allows him to quickly evaluate if the case can be helped with chiropractic care. The exam is next. Dr. Bleem will complete a thorough exam of the areas in question and prescribe diagnostic x-rays outside of the office if necessary. If you already have imaging, please bring your report or we can order it from our office. Once complete, Dr. Bleem often adjusts on the first visit, knowing that patients are often in a great deal of pain when they arrive at his doorstep. Upon completion of the Chiropractic visit, our new patients will make a stop at the front desk. In most cases, we’ve been able to review insurance benefits and we’ll accept the patient’s portion at the time of service. Any necessary appointments or home instructions will be given at this time.

New patients should plan on being in the office for approximately 1 hour during their first visit.

Your Second Visit

Dr. Bleem delivers the Report of Findings during the second visit. Dr. Bleem will go over the patients’ case, exam, x-rays (if indicated), and plan for care. A thorough explanation will be given to inform the patient on why Chiropractic is the right fit for their problem.

Please plan on being with us for 20 to 30 minutes for your second visit.

A Typical Office Visit

A typical office visit in Dr. Bleem’s office is only about 10 to 15 minutes in length. Each adjustment starts with a ‘once over’ to evaluate any progress or problems that have shown up. Services such as acupuncture, laser, and decompression traction therapy can take 20 to 30 minutes per visit. We know that your time is valuable and we will have you on your way as quickly as possible.

Ready to Schedule an Appointment?

Are you a good candidate for chiropractic care? Find out, call today!

New Patients at Bleem Family Chiropractic | (309) 543-4341